LENS Neurofeedback: The Basics


LENS Neurofeedback – sounds fancy right? But what actually is it, who can benefit from it and why can this form of treatment be a be a potentially life altering tool? While there is a plethora of online material on it, we wanted to consolidate the information into a short summary to introduce you to all things LENS Neurofeedback.



The Low Energy Neurofeedback System (LENS) is a therapeutic intervention that Cetana is excited to be making available for the first time in the Northwest Territories. LENS is a process whereby a client’s brainwave activity is read via sensors and a computer based program. The program then uses an extremely low energy stimulus to mirror back brainwave activity to the brain. The brain is able to detect/respond to this low energy stimulus by resetting, reorganizing and/or optimizing brainwave activity. This can help alleviate a range of neurological and mental health symptoms.

So what does this mean? Basically the Lens process reads brain waves, assess’ where they are deficient, then retrains the brain to more optimal functioning. The goal of this retraining, above all, is improved self-regulation. With improved self-regulation, one could see improvements in executive functioning, emotional regulation, and general cognitive performance.  

One of the best things about Neurofeedback is that it can be used as a minimally invasive stand-alone treatment or along with conventional treatments such as pharmaceuticals or talk therapy (counselling). As noted in the book “The Neurofeedback Solution”, “biofeedback is a wonderful alternative to the terrifying obligation to get better by having to change oneself in all kinds of ways. It is more immediate, and less cluttered with sociocultural baggage’.



The computer based program is called “biofeedback” and involves the client placing small sensors on their head to different locations on the brain. The whole process lasts only for a couple of minutes, and the client is not required to do anything except sit there. The client does not feel any external stimulation during the treatment.   

The biofeedback machine assesses the client’s brainwaves and delivers information back to the provider on the areas that may not be performing optimally (areas of suppression). This is essentially “brain mapping”, which then is used to help guide treatment.  

In the attached video, a local news outlet here in Yellowknife (Cabin Radio) came into Cetana to test out both the sensory deprivation tanks, as well as Neurofeedback. To see an example of how Neurofeedback works and to get a more in-depth explanation, check out the video!  Cabin Radio - the Cetana Experience



Anyone (including both children and adults)! Lens Neurofeedback can be beneficial in many different situations. It can be used for someone that has been feeling “foggy”, minor depression or for those feeling overwhelmed. It is also used with athletes/performing artists to enhance their potential for creativity and performance: it has even been noted to help writers with writer’s block!

Most exciting with Neurofeedback is the incredible advances in Neurofeedback research for more serious mental health conditions such as Autism, ADHD, Anxiety, Brain Injury, Insomnia, PTSD, and Stroke, just to name a few. Important to recognize about Neurofeedback is that it is not meant to treat specific conditions: it treats the symptoms of a condition. A disclaimer with Neurofeedback is that it is does not pretend to “cure” any illness/diagnosed issues. “Through relaxation and attunement, it simply makes the symptoms easier to live with, or it may facilitate a self-healing response from within the patient” (The Neurofeedback Solution). Overall there is significant research to show how people in all walks of life or with diagnosed conditions have had their quality of life improved by engaging in LENS Neurofeedback therapy.



LENS Neurofeedback is not a one and done treatment. On average clients will arrive at their therapeutic goal in 11 sessions. However, as this is the average, some clients will reach this goal in less sessions while other may require several more. Keep in mind, this process is re-training the brain/central nervous system, which means that the longer standing the symptom, the more likely subsequent visits will be necessary. At Cetana, we recommend the client book in for a minimum of 4 sessions (likely once per week for at least 4 weeks). Generally, clients become comfortable with the process by 4 sessions, and our providers will have had the opportunity to adjust and finetune equipment settings to fit each individual client.



This depends on the reason for referral. Lens Neurofeedback has to be supervised by a Registered Psychologist. At Cetana, Psychologist Bryan Austin heads all supervision, while we have certified technicians who may also administer the biofeedback treatment. Because this is under the supervision of a Registered Psychologist, if the reason for referral is clinical in nature (if it has to do with improving mental health), it can be submitted as a benefit under Psychological Services. With that said, we encourage potential clients to check with their insurance provider to confirm coverage. In some cases, a note from a Doctor may be requested. 



We at Cetana are thrilled to be offering this new mental health service to our community in the Northwest Territories. The research on Lens Neurofeedback and its impacts are very exciting, and the results we are already seeing in our clients has been very rewarding. We recognize that everybody will have a different reason for considering Lens Neurofeedback, so please reach out to us with any questions you may have on this service. Please contact us via phone, email or through our website – we look forward to the potential benefit Lens Neurofeedback could have for you.






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