Sensory Deprivation Chambers
What to expect…
Is it your first float?
Floating is a new experience for most people. It is packed with boundless benefits for both body and mind, via a sensory deprivation experience. The float experience takes place in your own private room. The room is equipped with amenities such a shower, towels, robe, sandals and personal hygiene products which includes shampoo, conditioner and body wash.
Before you arrive
Do not shave on the day of your appointment to avoid any possible irritation.
Don’t over hydrate yourself.
Avoid caffeine a couple hours before your float: it disrupts your bodies ability to relax.
Have a light meal an hour or two before your float. Floating on a full stomach can be uncomfortable.
Do not consume any drugs or alcohol in the hours leading up to your float.
Upon your arrival
We advise you arrive 10 minutes early. This enables us to go through the orientation and procedures about floating. You are also welcome to come sit in our waiting room to decompress prior to your float if you feel the need.
If you are a returning visitor please aim to arrive 5 minutes early.
Begin your float
Remove all clothing prior to floating. Take a quick shower, using only body wash and shampoo (do not use conditioner). After the shower, enter your float room slowly, and get into the float tank. Give yourself a couple minutes to orientate yourself to your surroundings and get comfortable. The high concentration of Epsom salts in the water will allow you to begin to float as soon as you lay down. Make sure your arms and legs are comfortable, then position yourself in the centre. Remember to relax your neck, allow your head and body to float and take a deep breath to commence your journey through deep relaxation.
Post Float
A recorded voice will let you know when your session is complete via the speakers in the tank. You should sit up, turn on the light, and exit the tank. Go right from the float tank to the shower, remembering that you are covered in salt, so try not to touch your belongings until after you have showered. Shower as normal to remove all salt from your body. When you are finished showering we ask that you get dressed and exit the float room in a timely fashion, so that we can ready it for the next guest. If you need to do your hair or make up, please go to the powder room where a mirror and amenities (blow dryer, etc) are provided. If you need further time to process your float, grab a complimentary tea or water in our waiting room and take a seat.
Feel Great
Reflect on your tranquil journey. Leave feeling relaxed, refreshed, rejuvenated and ready to take on the world!
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