Frequently asked questions
LENS Neurofeedback may be covered under extended health care plans as a form of Biofeedback. Coverage will depend on your insurance provider and the reason for referral. Cetana’s LENS services are provided by and/or supervised by a registered Psychologist. Please check with your insurance provider regarding coverage.
On average clients who want to optimize their functioning or improve a behaviour get to their desired state in 12 sessions. Most people see results within 4 sessions and continue for even greater and long lasting results.
Cognition – Problems sequencing, memory, providing and maintaining attention, concentration, clarity and organization.
Mood – Anger, sadness, explosiveness.
Motor – Lack of grace, problems of eye-hand coordination, balance, increased muscle tone (from spasticity) and tremor.
Motivation – Problems initiating tasks, shifting from one activity to another, and/or completing tasks.
Anxiety – Problems of anxiety system activity (too much uncomfortably-contained energy), persistent “anxiety”, restlessness, rumination, agitation, distractibility, difficulty breathing, palpitations, tremor exacerbation, and sleep interruption.
Reactivity – Hyper-reactivity, hypersensitivity, multiple chemical sensitivities.
Pain – Brain-generated pain (mismapping the origins and qualities of signals), and vascular pain.
Addictions/Dependencies – Lack of clarity about emotions and self-comforting, defensiveness, argumentativeness and cynicism.
Fatigue – Fatigue; or fatigue as a phenomenon secondary to the effort of trying to overcome the pain and/or the above impediment to functioning more easily.
Performance Optimization – Increases in functioning in the above areas in absence of any diagnosis.
LENS has worked well with Central Nervous System Dysfunction Symptoms such as: ADD, ADHD, Bipolar, Autism Spectrum, Concussions, PTSD, Acquired Brain Injury, Traumatic Brain Injury and Birth Trauma.
LENS also works with children who have sleep problems like bed wetting, sleep walking, sleep talking, teeth grinding, nightmares and night terrors.
Often people will use the LENS to enhance their emotional regulation, to have a better functioning nervous system, to improve their sport performance, to enhance sleep quality, to create new behaviour patterns, to maintain good brain function through aging and to show up better in their relationships with great success.
The brain suppresses itself whenever it receives a physical or emotional trauma. In contact sports this can happen fairly regularly, especially if concussions are a common occurrence. The LENS system helps the brain lift its suppression so that it can perform more optimally. As the brain lifts suppression and performs with less inhibition, the athlete tends to notice better ability to put the puck or ball where they are aiming, a better ability to sense where the play is heading, improved balance, increased muscle tone (BodyLENS), and improved hand-eye coordination.
LENS is extremely safe. Its technology emits a frequency thousands of times less powerful than a cell phone. There has not been a single reported case of enduring negative effects.
“LENS is an FDA-certified Class II device. It is 510K exempt. The Class II 510K exempt medical device classification is a less restrictive certification than a 510-K, meaning that LENS is considered by the FDA as safer than the 510-K devices–which includes most other biofeedback and neurofeedback devices.”
On occasion, some patients experience very transient (lasting only a few hours) side-effects such as feeling wired, tired, spacey, or have a mild headache. I consider these side-effects as a positive response, as an indication that the patient’s brain is interacting with the LENS. This is usually a good prognostic indicator.
LENs can be applied to just about any age group, including young children.
LENS is completely passive. The patient doesn’t take, feel, or do anything, other than sit still for a few moments while a brief, tiny signal is fed back to the brain. The signal does all the work.
While performing a standard 21-site EEG, sophisticated computer technology and software captures and analyzes brainwaves, and coverts them into an infinitesimal electromagnetic radio wave signal that is fed back to the brain for a fraction of a second. The signal interrupts dysfunctional brainwave patterns, allowing the brain to re-boot back to normal brainwave patterns and the associated neurochemistry. It is analogous to optimizing the hardware, which makes the programs run better!
In the same way that the brain emits brainwaves outwards into our environment, our body emits waves out into the environment. In the same way as the traditional LENS, the BodyLENS senses and mirrors the waves coming from the area under the sensors to prompt the body to self-correct
The BodyLENS has shown success in helping people with old nagging injuries that just don’t seem to heal, with injuries or surgeries that never fully recovered properly, with areas that have limited range of motion, with sensations of discomfort and tension, and with areas that have pain. Often after about 4 sessions of BodyLENS for a particular challenge, the client tends to notice some improvement with their issue and choose to continue for even greater results.