We were nominated for 4x awards!
We are thrilled to announce that Cetana was nominated for not 1, but 4x Yellowknife Chamber of Commerce awards
Categories are…
Customer Service Award of Excellence
Breakout New Business
Innovation Award
Small Business of the Year
It turns out we only meet the criteria for 1x award (Breakout New Business), given that we have only been in business for 1 year. However, this does not minimize the value of these nominations. What makes these nominations so meaningful, is that we were nominated by community members and clients. We are beyond honoured to have been recognized in this manner and are so grateful to those that nominated us. Win or lose on the day we are truly grateful to have our community put us forward, thank you.
Our beautiful lobby where we first welcome you to your Cetana Experience
We started this business with the community in mind, and our goal from day one was to bring new options for mental health support to the north. We remain committed to this goal and have been thrilled at the response our clients have had with Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (Float tanks), Red Light Therapy and LENS Neurofeedback. We underestimated how much Yellowknife would love our services, and it has been incredibly rewarding to hear the success stories for each of the therapy options. The successes have been not just regarding mental health, but it has also been exciting to see the benefits in regard to physical symptoms clients have had. All three of our services truly benefit both the mind and body, and it’s so exciting for us at Cetana to hear how it is making a difference in your life!
We are almost at our one-year anniversary, and we can truly say we have put our heart, soul and time into this business. This year (and the 2 years before that!) has had a lot of ups and downs given the ever-changing climate of the pandemic/restrictions, and just navigating the start-up and ownership of a business in Yellowknife! The incredibly positive feedback we have been getting from our clients has made every late night, long meeting, and difficult decision – worth it! Receiving these nominations has been such an uplifting surprise for us and has reminded us that we are on the right path and are doing good work here in Yellowknife.
We like to say a big thank you specifically to all our clients. Thank you for trusting us to assist you with obtaining your own personal “Cetana”: volition, intention, and directionality. We hope we can continue to do this in our community for years to come.
To learn more about the Business Awards Gala and how you can attend to celebrate with us click on the button below to visit their official website page…