Finding Your Calm

Rebuilding Mental Health After the Yellowknife Forest Fires

This past summer Yellowknife and much of the NWT faced a daunting and devastating challenge as wildfires swept through our Territory, leaving a trail of destruction in it’s wake. As the fires raged on, they not only threatened the physical well-being of our community but also took a toll on the mental health of many residents. We have heard from a number of our clients, and have felt it ourselves: the emotional effects of the evacuation and the continued exhaustion of trying to play “catch up” even two months later. Today, as we continue to work towards getting back to normal, Cetana Neurotherapy stands alongside you offering support, hope, and a wide range of services to aid in your journey to recovery.

A Community United

The Yellowknife community has always been known for its resilience and spirit. In the face of adversity, we saw neighbours helping neighbours, selfless volunteers and the strength of our community shone brightly. As the threat of the fires continued, it was heartwarming to witness acts of kindness and support that helped everyone persevere through those challenging times.

The Mental Health Challenge

While the physical damage caused by the fires was evident, the emotional and psychological impact has been more insidious and continues to affect many of us. Stress, anxiety, and burnout became prevalent as people faced uncertainty, fear, and loss. It's crucial to acknowledge these emotional scars and work toward healing.

Cetana's Stress and Burnout Program

Cetana Neurotherapy understands the profound impact of traumatic events like like the wildfires on mental health. We are committed to providing a wide range of services to support mental health in our community. Whether you're struggling with post-traumatic stress, anxiety, depression, or other mental health challenges, we have the resources and expertise to help. For example, our Stress and Burnout Program has been specifically designed to address the unique needs of individuals dealing with stress, anxiety, and burnout.

This is a comprehensive mind and body program grounded in research-based concepts and practices. In this program, clients will learn about stress and burnout, how it applies to them personally, and how to manage/cope with symptoms. Participants will also be scheduled for weekly one-on-one sessions with a program therapist, to deepen understanding and improve outcomes through individual goal-setting. In addition, throughout the duration of the program, participants will participate in weekly wellness activities and alternative therapies known to reduce stress, such as Restricted Environmental Stimulation Therapy (REST) and Low Energy Neurofeedback (LENS).

Learn more about the program here:

Moving Forward with Hope

As we move forward from the stress of the evacuation, we want our community to know that there is hope. Healing is possible, and recovery is within reach. Cetana Neurotherapy is dedicated to supporting you every step of the way in rebuilding your mental health and your life. Whether that be through participation in one of our services, or just even coming in for a cup of tea to take a deep breath: we are here to help.

If you or a loved one is struggling with the aftermath of the fires, please don't hesitate to reach out to us. Together, we can work towards a brighter, more resilient future.

Mental Health Resources for Yellowknife:


Floatation Therapy and Pregnancy: A safe, natural and soothing tool


Why experiences make the best gifts.