Floatation Therapy and Pregnancy: A safe, natural and soothing tool

If you have ever been or are currently pregnant, you are well aware of the physical (and mental) challenges of pregnancy. The back pain, overall discomfort, difficulty sleeping, poor circulation…and the list goes on. Carrying new life is such a gift and privilege, but it is also challenging on a number of levels.

We at Cetana are excited to promote floatation therapy for pregnancy – which is often an overlooked treatment option in managing some of the discomforts associated with carrying new life. While floating may not be for everyone, there are specific benefits to floating during pregnancy specifically that can alleviate a number of physical and mental health concerns. Some of the benefits are as follows:

 *Relief of back and joint pain/discomfort: with the extra pressure on alllll the parts; floatation therapy is something you can do to alleviate that pressure. Being able to float and experience “weightlessness” helps reduce the pressure on your spine and joints which can provide significant relief for aches and pains. Giving your body a 60 or 90 minute break from this pressure can be a game changer (speaking from experience!).

 *Improved sleep and comfort: Sleeping and pregnancy are often not compatible (IYKYK). One of the most common benefits that is seen from floatation therapy is improved sleep due to the fact that it encourages deep relaxation and allows your whole body to rest more fully, as you have literally taken the physical load off. Even people that don’t necessarily love the float experience, have reported back that they went home that night and had an incredible sleep!

* Better circulation Reduced Swelling: The buoyancy of floating can promote better circulation which is especially beneficial during pregnancy when swelling in the legs and feet is common. When relieving your body from the burden of gravity, your blood vessels can fully dilate, increasing blood flow.

*Lowers Blood pressure: Floatation therapy is often regarded as a natural treatment option for lowering blood pressure given the fact that it encourages the body to enter a deep relaxed state.

 *Stress reduction and relaxation: obviously pregnancies are often not without stress. Because floating helps shut down your central nervous system by forcing your brain to “take a break”, floating offers a peaceful, calming environment that research has scientifically proven can help reduce stress on not just the body, but your mind.

 *Bonding time with baby: one of the significant benefits a lot of pregnant women have reported while floating, is the bonding time it allows them with baby – which research has proven is beneficial for both mom and baby. It’s a special time of connection with no distractions.

As with any “medical conditions” in floating, we do obviously recommend you discuss flotation therapy with your doctor. While it is widely regarded as a very safe and natural treatment option for pregnancy, its always good to chat with your Doctor first. We generally recommend to wait until the second trimester to float, just so you know you are more so in the “safe zone”.

As with any floats, we especially recommend any pregnant floaters to make sure to eat a small meal before the float, and make sure you are hydrated.

Check out our Reel on social media for some great ideas for positions during your float. Some pregnant women can find laying on their back the whole time uncomfortable. Make sure to ask the staff for pool noodles which can be placed in a variety of positions to provide optimal comfort (ie. see our social media reel for some ideas).

So if you are looking for a safe, natural treatment option to provide some relief to the physical discomforts of pregnancy, come float with us! This can be a game changing routine to add to your pregnancy journey that we at Cetana would love to be apart of.

*Photo credit: Michelle MacDonald Media


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